Vice Chairman, Central and Eastern European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam
Mr. Florian Johannes Beranek, 58, Austrian. I am a Lead Senior Expert on Responsible Business Development (RBD). Since 2009 I am based in Hanoi, Vietnam, working mainly for UN organizations (UNIDO, UNDP, UNOPS), other international development partners like EU SWTICH Asia, as well as national and international business platforms.
I am holding an MSc degree on CSR and Ethical Management of University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna, Austria. Before starting my assignments in Asia, I worked for several years consulting international companies and organisations mainly in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and India as a senior partner of The CSR Company Ltd., Austria.
My key competence: to inspire people taking action, now!
• Top senior-level knowledge around RBC (Responsible Business Conduct), supply chain compliance and sustainable development including the relevant international standards, frameworks, conventions and business platforms.
• In particular: OECD MNE Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct, ISO26000, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Children’s Rights and Business Principles, the UN Global Compact, respective ILO conventions and declarations, and the 17 SDGs etc.
• As a result of the multidimensional nature of my work I am also experienced in the application and integration of other related/derivate standards such as ISO14001 (environment), ISO45001 (health & safety), ISO20121 (sustainable events), ISO37001 (anti-corruption), and ISO20400 (sustainable procurement).
• In particular the integration of CSR principles (mainly ISO26000 based) in the construction industry was one of my focal areas as chief technical advisor to the Chinese Construction Industry Association (CCIA) and the leading Chinese construction companies over the past 8 years. This assignment allowed me to gain in-depth experiences in the wide field of construction in Asia and the world.
• Over the past years I was closely following the development of new regulation and legislation with regards to supply chain compliance and respective reporting. Hence, I am familiar with specific laws and new legislations on the EU level (CSRD, ESRS, etc.) but also global frameworks like IFRS climate accounting rules, EFRAG, PCAF, UKFBA, UKMDSA, FCPA, and major ESG frameworks, etc.
• Resulting from a strong engagement with various industries in course of international and national projects since 2009 I was able to expand my expertise in CSR and RBC in all its dimensions alongside the entire value chain of mainly the textile, footwear, food and construction industry including the increasingly critical issue of renewable energy and corporate sustainability due diligence.
• Extensive experience in private sector engagement in Vietnam and SEA including a solid network amongst respective business membership organizations (both national and international) and authorities (national and local) covering all sizes from MNEs to Startups.
• Board member of the Central and Eastern European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (CEEC) and member of EuroCham Vietnam’s Green Growth Sector Committee.
• Excellent speaking, teaching and inspirational skills including the design of innovative interventions alongside supply and value chain development.
• Known for not shying away from complex and crosscutting topics like discrimination in all forms, gender inequality, corruption, consumer rights, labor conflicts etc. in course of regular and public project interventions
• More than a decade living and working in South East Asia and China led to a better understanding of culture, traditions and habits of key stakeholders.
• Keeping close relations with partners in SEA (e.g., ASEAN CSR Network, ASEAN working groups, ASEAN Foundation, Asia Europe Foundation ASEF, regional WBCSD branches, UN Global Compact Networks, international and national Chambers of Commerce, etc.)
• Based on a broad network, my regional experiences and a public speaking talent I am frequently contributing to seminars and conferences related to sustainable, inclusive, integer and responsible business in Asian countries such as Vietnam, China, Myanmar, Singapore, Korea, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Japan and Malaysia.
• Wide network in the entire region including businesses, governments, research bodies and international organizations – in short: I know whom to call.